Miami MoCAAD: OVERtown: Our Family Tree

Exhibition Description
OVERtown: Our Family Tree is part of Veo Veo, I See I See, Mwen Wè Mwen Wè, an interactive public art project exploring Overtown through visual art, storytelling and technology commissioned by Miami MoCAAD and curated by Donnamarie Baptiste. The mural, created by Miami-based artist Anthony “Mojo” Reed II, honors Miami's first Black judge, the late Judge Lawson E. Thomas, who as a lawyer fought fearlessly for civil rights of Black people during the 1940s and 1950s Jim Crow era. Judge Thomas owned the Overtown law office building where the mural incorporates QR codes containing oral history videos about Judge Thomas and Overtown. On view at 1021 NW Second Ave, Miami, FL. Ongoing with corresponding website at